Elderberry are specialised as Educational Authors. We have written and/or edited material for many different educational purposes; from primary school material to vocational training.  Subjects have ranged from technology for children to professional training material for museums.


Below are a selection of our Books, Elearning modules and Resource packs.

Försök med Teknik

Technology For Kids 400x200 A technology exercise book for primary children.

Bygger upp barnens förståelse i naturvetenskap! En mängd experiment med elevblad för kopiering och tydliga lärarinstruktioner. Du kan använda böckerna från vilket skolår som helst.

ISBN 978-91-21-14780-1


Resource Pack

SMILE Identity

SMILE Schools Folder 400x200 The aim of the pack and other resources is to increase awareness of identity issues, using museums and heritage.

ISBN 91 85460 76 1

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Resource Pack


House Detectives 400x200 'The House Detective' - Architecture for kids.

Alla människor bor i någon form av hus. I hyreshus där många bor tillsammans eller enskilda hus där en eller ett par familjer lever. Förf:na vill med denna bok inspirera till att våga ta tillvara barns och gamlas naturliga rumsupplevelser och de känslor, dofter, ljud och syner som finns överallt runt oss hela tiden.

ISBN 91 7884 023 6


Resource Pack

Town Plans of Sweden

RTC Book 400x200 A city planning guide for schools.

The book uses Swedish town plans to begin the process of reading the city.

ISBN 918546072 9

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Resource Pack


SMILE VET 400x200

A manual on using museums more effectively for vocational training, with an accompanying elearning course.

ISBN 978 3 901900 1


Elearning, Book, Resource Pack

Sharing Landscapes

SL Book 400x200

An integrated elearning course, manual and notes on teaching outdoors.

ISBN 978 3 901900 8


Elearning, Book, Resource Pack